Nineteen sixty-eight

The International Baccalaureate Organization in Switzerland was started in nineteen sixty-eight .
By nineteen sixty-eight , the American government helped start some of the first tribal language programs in the public school system .
Congress first acted in nineteen sixty-eight after the murder of civil rights leader Martin Luther King .
Oil and gas was found in nineteen sixty-eight near Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska .
The oldest man so far was forty-eight year old Julius Boros in nineteen sixty-eight .
Last year , the World Health Organization said the world is closer to a pandemic of the influenza virus than at any time since nineteen sixty-eight .
the thinking goes , then self-interest will and of shared resources . Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in nineteen sixty-eight as " the tragedy of the commons . "
The International Baccalaureate Organization was founded in nineteen sixty-eight . It works with schools in one hundred forty-three countries to offer programs for students age three to nineteen . These programs , it says , " help develop the intellectual , personal , emotional and social skills to live , learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world . "